Dr Strange Fundraiser
"OPEN YOUR MIND. CHANGE YOUR REALITY. CHANGE YOUR DESTINY!" Dr Strange. "We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give" Winston Churchill.…
"OPEN YOUR MIND. CHANGE YOUR REALITY. CHANGE YOUR DESTINY!" Dr Strange. "We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give" Winston Churchill.…
Meet Na’im! This young man is ANGSANAcare’s newest young hero. A year ago, when he was 14, Na’im was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia and underwent prolonged treatment in the…
Our member, Datin Jamuna Nadkarni, took on a personal challenge to fundraise RM 11,000 for ANGSANAcare with this film, Ghostbusters. We are very grateful to her for all her hard…
Launching our services in IPHKL with Dato Dr Hussain Imam, our team, our therapists and doctors.
NEWS FLASH! ANGSANAcare's Chair, Ria Thomas, will be speaking on BFM's Health and Living show this afternoon with Dr George Lee. Tune in to BFM 89.9 @ 4pm.
ANGSANAcare made it to our first AGM! What an achievement. Thank you to everyone that has helped to get us to this milestone. Here's to another year of providing complementary…
We have received our very first Corporate donation!! Thank you to Siemens Malaysia for this extremely generous gift to ANGSANAcare’s children.
Our first fundraiser featuring the Bond film, Spectre, was a great success! We couldn't have done it without the amazing support of BAC.
ANGSANAcare organized a heartfelt birthday celebration for a 14-year-old leukemia patient at University Hospital, Malaysia. This young boy has faced significant adversity, having lost his mother at the tender age…
ANGSANAcare is a fully registered NGO of Malaysia. Zoë Gan, our Secretary registered the Society as Persatuan Kebajikan Angsana Kuala Lumpur with the no. PPM 026-14-0303201. The bank account too…